New BA mag comments - Is anyone besides me tired of having "Green"


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crammed down their throats ALL THE TIME. I am so tired of not being able to read or hear anything that doesn't talk about it. I do what I can, put PLEASE! How many of us will make a decision as to which restaurant to visit based on how their electricity is generated? This trend in Gourmet was a big part of why I dropped my subscription. I'm glad certain farms do some neat things, but it doesn't matter when they are half way across the country and I can't buy their merchandise anyway. Give it a rest!

Another example of how the media...

...(and politicians) "lead" by "following".

The idea has been around since before the 60's, but it has gone through various stages of acceptance and media promotion.

It "sells" now, so it's everywhere.


I get tired of having the stuff crammed down my throat, and I have. . .

always been interested in "green."

What I prefer is what So Cal Edison (electric co) is doing now. They have donated compact, screw-in electric bulbs to grocery stores and those stores are giving them out for free with purchases! I can also buy single compact fluorescent bulbs at my local 99 cent Only stores for--$.99! Compare that to the price of the compact fluorescents in a big name department store or hardware store. Edison has been subsidizing the cost to keep them cheap.

If you are wondering, the new compact fluorescents work great. We have them in almost every fixture in our house. The come on quickly and last a long, long time. The light from the newer ones have been adjusted to be a "warm white" like you get from most incandescent bulbs. They have really cut our electric bill.

What about all those with celebrity status who inform us that we should

drive a hybrid, heat our homes with solar energy, only purchase items wrapped in recyclable materials and use eco-friendly makeup. The icing on the cake was the report that Paris Hilton is hosting a screening of "The 11th Hour"
If someone would buy me a hybrid I'd be happy to drive it. Unfortunately, it's more expensive to "go green"

Disclaimer: I haven't read this BA issue. But I think what happens across the country does matter.

The anthropologist Margaret Mead once said, "Be the change that you want to see in the world." If you decide it (whatever "it" is) is something you want in your community, then you can talk about it and get people to change their ways. It is entirely up to us to decide which restaurant gets our money and for what reasons. Furthermore, economic pressure can be very persuasive for a small business like a restaurant.

Social movements need a lot of press and exposure before everyone starts thinking in that way. Most of us here--like yourself, Melissa--are probably already well-educated in environmental matters and so it seems like all the coverage is "cramming it down our throats." We probably all recycle and have compost heaps, and we have several Swappers who participate in food co-ops, supporting organic farms which are more environmentally friendly.

All this coverage is sort of like overcorrecting when making a course correction--you have to make a big swing in the opposite direction before the course settles down in the middle again. This process can be tiresome for the rest of us ("Good GRIEF," we say, "not another article about green lightbulbs!"), but it's necessary to get real change enacted. It's no different than any other social issue like civil rights or women's suffrage.

And when it gets too much, just think about the lowly journalist who has to make changing your lightbulbs sound compelling and exciting!

We have also replced a lot of our lights with the flourescent ones - and

while I consider myself pretty green, I am tiring of it being "sold" to me as well.

Our City was giving out those light bulbs, as well. Then I found out

there is a disposal concern with them. It seems no one is sure just how to dispose of them safely. Seems rather silly.

Speaking of BA - I was thrilled to see that my favorite blogger (Orangette) got her own

recurring article! Go Molly!


It's not just BA. It's their website, too. Just awful. Nothing changes...

I know this is sort of a subject that isn't discussed here, but EPI used to be my "go to" site for recipes. They are getting incredibly boring. Nothing new, nothing original. It's sad what's happened to that site.
