New York City Food


Well-known member
Wonderful article on the authentic Chinese food in Flushing in today's New York Time's:

I will be in NYC in October and will definitely be visiting Flushing, probably several times!, to sample these amazing dumplings and noodles (the plate of spicy broad cold noodles with the spicy lamb sandwich? I'm all over that). Will also be making plans to spend some time in Brooklyn on Atlantic Ave exploring the Mideastern foods, and Arthur Avenue in the Bronx for the Italian.

Does anyone have any suggestions for any other places like these? Concentrations of ethnic food shops, stalls, restaurants, etc, run by recent/1st & 2nd generation immigrants?

Any other hot food tips would also be appreciated as it's been awhile since my last visit to NYC.


I should have opened yours---I was thinking more of neighborhoods, not eateries so I thought it was

a different post. Now he has no excuse for not reading that thread.

Hi, Richard--will be making a beeline for those Flushing restaurants in Sept. Do drop me a line

...and perhaps we can meet when you're in town in October! smileys/smile.gif

DH has dined at Rao's. He's quite critical and said it was

really "all that." Its impossible to
get into unless you know someone that "owns" a table and is willing to give it up to you for a night. Crazy! We love Grammercy Tavern, if you try Open, you may be able to scap an early table (5-5:30 during the week can usually be had with a week's notice)

Good luck--have a great trip!

I've heard similar...

that it's sort of like those old college clubs in Manhattan, so-so food, slightly dowdy digs, and a steady stream of business. It's tradition. I have their coookbook and have read all about the people who have their tableminiums. On a lark I called in May for a reservation and got a recording saying they were booked for the year and don't bother leaving a message as they didn't check for them. Thanks.

Thanks Sandy. And with...

Judy's recommendation, it will have to be visited! They should just go ahead and reserve a duck confit for me now. LOL

Erin, I will certainly do that...

maybe we can venture out to Flushing to explore together! Do you know what part of town you'll be living in yet?
