NFR begging: Need small, interesting gift for Lar and I'm brain-dead.


I've already gotten him the books, music, and DVDs he asked for. And I'm getting him a $100 gift card for Amazon for I-Pod thingees. But I'd like to give something with a little interest--and right now I'm running on empty.

I'm also at work and will be leaving shortly. Orlando has a lot more stores than my home town so I'd like to get it now. Also because he's not around to see it.

Any ideas?? Lar's back is out again, so the "yoga class gift card" went out the window until the MRI comes back (with good news hopefully). That was going to be my interesting gift...wrapped up in copy of YogaJournal.

Couple of ideas....Perhaps it spurs something

- I think you mentioned that Lar is home now...What about some fun, casual clothes/hat/slippers, etc...
- Do you have a nice picture of the two of you at work? You could print it and purchase a nice frame
- Any special hobbies that he has recently picked up?
- Any special memories from recent trips that you can buy a momento and bring back smiles? (Last year, I went back to the hotel that we stayed for a wedding...dh really liked the hotel shampoo...I think it was citrus smellling, anyway, the hotel was so impressed that it had an impact, they gave me some, even though I was just looking for the name of the brand.)
- A special bottle of wine/bubbly that you would both enjoy.
- Any fun games that the two of you used to play that you do not own? I recall one year I purchased Backgammon for us and Jenga....Fun/silly but most important, smiles!

And now....two others...
- Zhu-Zhu....Just don't tell Dawn if you find it quickly! smileys/smile.gif
- Ebelskliver : ) I will spell this wrong each time!!


If you want to get something on the "big" side....I would recommend wii....We purchased it

last year, and really enjoy it. They have a fitness/yoga thingy also....

and for a fun little gift, I found some of those puzzles with the maze and little ball in the xmas

section at Walmart with little stocking stuffers. I bought some for the girls at work and the kids across the street who will be on a plane to Cancun tonight. something for his hands to do while resting his back. Might be too frustrating though. I get perturbed when I can't win against that little ball.

A basket of pancake mix, maple syrup, jar of preserves, pound of coffee, all with a note

saying that you'll make breakfast in bed for him some Sunday morning. Baskets are always fun for the giver and the recipient.

Maybe slippers and a bean bag-hotpad thingie made out of oatbran that you microwave for his back (Cracker Barrel).

I like the photo idea--Walmart had a few nice Christmasy

types of things for photos.
I did a montage using their Kodak machine,
and they had snow globes in which you could insert a photo--fun especially since you are in Florida smileys/smile.gif
Or you could just make him some gingerbread men with Martha Stewart faces on them. smileys/smile.gif

Good luck!

Ix-nay the GBH. I'm going with a long horizontal frame, with a tide clock in the middle

then adding a photo of our beach on one side and an Oregon beach photo on the other side of the clock.

Thanks again for spurring the brain cells to work.

Have you tried or Super-interesting things!

Thinkgeek has these very popular guitar shirts - you put it on and actually strum the front like a guitar -- really sounds like one, too! Good for boys of all ages smileys/smile.gif
