NFR: Christmas Wishes to all of you from Bette Davis

Speaking of laughing till you cry, TMC is playing "The Man Who Came to Dinner" on the 24th

My favorite Christmas movie ever, and Bette hardly overacts at all.

One of my favorite movies...

I have my own copy that is a Christmas tradition at my house (along with Barbara Stanwyck in "Christmas in Connecticut"). I just love those old movies with the non-stop witty dialog, zingers, and all the cultural references flying by at a prodigious clip. But then, The Man Who Came to Dinner was originally a play by Moss Hart.

I love it when Bette punts Lorraine's muff after they lock her in the mummy case.

It's a tradition here too--not quite Christmas without it. Was "Christmas in Connecticut"

the one with Fred MacMurray on his mom's farm? Loved it, but my absolute favorite of hers is "Ball of Fire" with Gary Cooper. She was the best bad girl ever.

I love the 1940 ish version of Miracle on 34th street. I love to look at the footage of how NYC

looked; the outfits, the formality of living, etc... Fun movie
