Joe, it was hilarious.....
My Mum brought me a couple books of the series and told me this last visit movies had been made.
I could not believe it.
Yes, it is pretty much like that there. The main diff. is...the buildings are newly painted, the clothes are bright and new and the accents are not all quite like they are there. Hers sounds more from South Africa.
The bush scenes, kraals and animals are as is.
However a lot of them do talk just like that as Briton has been a large influence in the area.
The only character that I found not quite true to type is the secretary, but then she is good at portraying her character.
The end with all the dancing is as is, I love being there when they spontanously break into dance.
When I was young children often went missing for parts of their bodies to be used in 'muti'.....medicine.. For awhile it was white boys mainly.....but then it was any young child, horrid. This is Africa.
Not nice, this has perhaps not changed all that much.
"Muti" in the African sense brings about a wee feeling of horror to us, however we always refer to any medication as muti, childrens cough muti, antiseptic cream muti.....
The bright smiling faces, happy characters and sparse country side is just as it is....
Cant wait to see the next one.