NFR: First we had sharks, then bears, now we have Judge vs DA smackdown

Insane. Truly insane! If two grown men, professionals and officers of the court...

...end up in the hallway throwing punches, it doesn't matter if it comes from the "hanging-chad State" -it's just INSANE.

We MUST do better than this!

Next thing you know, Texas will be busing it's illegal immigrants from Central America to Phoenix and turning them loose!


What really chips me off about this is, yes it's Fl. and we are a

joke but more important to me is how people are taking this. It's like the Judge is a real hero because the attorney was being disrespectful. Really? That court BELONGS to that Judge! He is the boss and I believe he has tools that he can use to handle these type of situations. Isn't he supposed to be an example of the rule of law? The way to settle problems is by going out back and start swinging away at each other? I'm baffled that people think this is a good way to settle problems and I hope both of these idiots are punished in some way.

agree orchid. but can we send these idiot criminals to that judge? this happened yesterday.

"Anchorage Police were dispatched to the area near Elderberry Park early Tuesday morning in response to a man who said he was maced and robbed by two suspects....With one suspect located police began searching for the remaining suspect. During their search police discovered another male walking out of the park. Police say the man appeared to be in distress, “with tears and mucus running down his face,” according to the report. After a brief examination and discussion, police say investigators were able to determine the distressed man had indeed been maced, but he’d done it to himself….During a pat search, Campbell was found with a machete, though no can of mace was discovered at the scene, Castro said."

The judges here are no better...

A friend and her family are involved in a dispute over real estate. She had back surgery in late November and was recovering nicely but had to go to court with the family. While she was waiting outside a sheriff assaulted her by telling her she couldn't stand in the hallway (untrue) and then the sheriff grabbed her and shoved her around. This gal is wearing a back brace like a carapace and using a 4 footed cane! She got shoved to the floor and they called an ambulance and she was in the hospital for 2 days. Then she couldn't appear in court because she can barely walk and might need surgery again to correct the damage from the assault. The DA has declined to file charges despite several witnesses and an attorney told her not to bother filing a civil suit unless the DA files.

So then the judge in her family's trial,egged on by the family members on the opposing side of the matter who said, she's not really hurt, ignored the 3 doctor certifications that she couldn't appear and forced her to appear. So she did and had to lie on the floor of the courtroom. This was Wednesday I think. The next day she collapsed because her spinal cord started swelling and she lost her use of a leg, she was admitted to the hospital that night. I'm going to see her tonight.

It's unbelievable to me that a sheriff would do this to an obviously disabled woman, and that the judge would ignore 3 separate certifications from doctors and make her appear, which caused her further issues. And does the judge care she's back in the hospital? no.

It's seriously messed up.
