NFR: Having a bad day? This will cheer you up!

In the comments, and one of the related videos,it tells how this all came about. it was staged for

a European show "Searching for Maria" where they are looking for a Maria for a production of Sound of Music. The whole dance was a staged production, but the real travelers in the station were indeed surprised by it. I just love this and watch it over and over when I need a lift.

This is the one I posted last week as a cheerer-upper. Glad you see it that way too. Life

sure is throwing lots of curves on a regular basis.

It is called Flash Mob, and is an upcoming trend...there are many videos of performances in other

places. I love it.

You mean I could have been enjoying this for a whole week??? I really needed it earlier...I need to

keep up to date more on the postings.

Isn't it funny how songs can "play" in your head!? I must have been thinking spring, 'cause I kept

singing, "I want to ride my bicycle...I want to ride it now..." from Queen. It was in my head...The irony is that I do not own a bicycle! ((And I do not own a Queen album!)) Spring must be in my head!! Either that, or my body is saying that I need excercise!!

You would have enjoyed our elementary school's Talent Show a few years ago,

they had an act called The Von Trapp Rappers - first singing Do Re Me in traditional style, followed by a rap version. It was very clever!
