NFR - How do I delete individual contacts from Gmail? There's no freakin' delete button - only for

Go to contacts, then double-click on the person that you want to delete

and it will come up in the right side of the mail viewer and you should see a delete box to check. Don't put a check in the box next to their name, just double-click on the contact's name. See if that works.

Good try, but no delete box comes up. Thanks anyway. This is so annoying - something so simple

should not be a problem - period. I read somewhere that I may have to update just to have the "privilege" of deleting a contact. Gee, thanks for nothing. And...I've heard the newest version is bad news.

Okay, this is real weird. When I click on "All Contacts," and check a name, I only see

"Move to My Contacts" on the right. On the other hand, when I click on a group, then check a name, I see "Delete Contact." DUMB DUMB DUMB. So, if I want to delete a contact that's not in any group, this means what? That I first have to "Move it to My Contacts," in order to freakin' delete it? This is beyond annoying.

Ah! You're a sharp one! Very possible in this web of #^&$^(*! &%$! I'm using Mozilla Firefox 3.0.18
