NFR: How to clean a tablecloth


Well-known member
After having a dinner party inevitablly there are stains left on the tablecloth. How do you clean the tablecloth when you cannot use bleach and is it effective?

Use oxy clean. Yes it is effective.

Make a paste with something like Shout with the granular Oxyclean (if it is a bad stain like wine or tomato) and rub it into the stain. Let sit and then wash.
This AFTER you try just washing in a non-bleach whitener. Don't dry it before looking to see if the stain is removed.
Rewash as above.

I use Shout on my tablecloths, placemats, for grease stains, tomato sauce,

wine. Just spray it on, agitate with your fingertip, let sit about 5 to 7 minutes, then launder as usual. My washer has a soak cycle, which I have found effective, along with using the Shout stain remover product.
For white table cloths, I have found if the stain is stubborn, after laundering, as most tomato based stains are, I pour a tiny bit of regular Clorox Bleach, and let it sit until the stain is gone, then I rinse it with water and let dry. Works every time. It helps to get on the stain early.

hey missy, have you ever made ATK's version of cake balls? They don't use icing.

shoot...I took the book back to the library already, so I don't have the recipe.

Okay. Google to the rescue: Found the recipe online...they crumble up the cake and then add a bit of milk and some powdered sugar to make the ball dough stick together.

I made a batch of balls recently for donation and used cake + icing as usual...just wondered if this version was better or worse.

Try again: Tried OxyClean Max, worked really well on an old, washe/dried oil stain. . .

this stain had been in a cotton shirt of mine for a while. Sprayed it with the OxyClean Max and let sit for overnight. When washed, the stain disappeared. I had tried other stuff on that stain that did not work also!

I have taken dryer melted crayon stains out of cotton/poly fabric by spraying the spots with WD40 and then rubbing straight Dawn Detergent in. Worked fantastically well.

On stains that have not been washed, oily stains, I have been rubbing soft bar hand soap from the bathroom on the stains and it takes them out well. This is also convenient as I usually undress in the bathroom so the soap is right there. I rub it in with the edge of the soap bar and toss in the clothes hamper. Been working for me!

I had a smooth white cotton cardigan sweater in luggage that the TSA saw fit to inspect.

I had bottles of a raspberry chipotle sauce that I could only get in Denver at the time. They opened two and put them back in the bag OPEN!!
Bleached the sweaters first--then oxyclean. Sparkling white again.

You do need to be careful. I ate holes in a linen tablecloth trying Oxy over and over again.

You'd think I'd learn my lesson, but it happened again with an old white cotton bedspread. I couldn't just leave well enough alone. Or in this case, I couldn't leave a slight discoloration alone.

Well, it's not there anymore, I can say that for certain.

You're welcome, Deb. For the record, I don't believe chocolate chips melt thin

enough to coat quickly and easily, especially looking at the photo they included. I still add Paramount Melting crystals to CK (Merckens) melting discs to get a thin dipping consistency...and those puppies are MEANT to be melted, not like chocolate chips which aren't.

Thought I must say, I have good luck with both the white and chocolate Ghirardelli disks for coating strawberries. However, they are too expensive to do a lot of cake balls.

PS: If you want some crystals to try, let me know. I have a big bag of them.

Yes, that is also true of straight Clorox which I would never put on something.

I just got a LOT of red wine out of pants and a shirt with spray Oxyclean.
We should ask Oli what color this is and whether or not it really might be bleachable with the less harsh bleaches also.

Lemon juice: I got good results once on a mystery stain on an old white tablecloth. . .

I had access to lots of lemons from the in-law's tree and a stained cloth. Gotta bunch of juice, like a quart, poured it over the cloth in the bucket. Mooshed it around to get it all lemony. Poured a little water over so that the cloth would be covered. Let it sit for several hours. When I washed it, it looked pristinely white.

However, it did not work on the next stain on another cloth that looked to be the same!

I know. That is the really "classic" way to clean antique linens--lemon juice and then put

in the sun. But it doesn't work all the time. ;o(

Alberto V05 Boy does that bring back a memory and not a good one!

This was long before they made shampoo. My Grandma Ladocia used it in her hair. I was pretty small and had spent the night with her. She got me all dressed and ready to go to the Shrine Circus but she made the mistake of leaving me alone. I went to the bathroom and got the tube of Alberto V05 to put on my hair because she did it. Well I put almost a whole tube in my hair and I have always had very fine, straight hair. She got SO upset with me. She scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed and never got it all out before mom and dad showed up. I think it took days if not a week to get it all out.
