NFR: I want to tell all of you how much a part of my life you have become. The news of sweet Randi.


Well-known member
brought tears to my eyes and pain to my heart. I feel like I have lost a friend That was when I knew I had to tell all of you what you mean to me. I have been lurking for about 5 or 6 years now. When Gail's changed I felt like I had lost friends until I found my way here. I have prayed for many of you, cried and laughed with all of you. I may be a lurker,who occasionaly posts, but I have come to love all of you. I check in almost every day to see whats up. Thank you for this wonderful community who has the ability to love laugh, cry, get ruffled feathers and then work it out. That is a family. Thanks also for all the great meals you have put on my table and pounds on my thighs. You all are wonderful God bless all of you....

Right back at ya Brooksie!!! With everything I've been through this year

I don't know what I would have done without this 'family' to talk openly to.

Brooksie, that was beautiful, and I couldn't agree more. People here put up with ..., and still call me "friend".

I call all of you "family".



I couldn't agree more. I've been bopping in and out of here for several years and it's been

such a comfort to stretch and then come back to a group of people I treasure dearly.

Hugs...I feel like this very much......

it has been my one consistant in this very transient society and oft times when I feel quite alone I will come by and 'catch up' and share in the goings on of the community, sit around the 'table' with a plate I have just cooked and served; yes I do eat and drink at my computor when DH is putting in those late hours he does much too often.
This may sound really odd but I am glad to know what happened to Randi as much as what happened to Moyn etc. I get quite worried about some others who have come by and then dissappear like NLB......who just leave a large gap in our lives and we dont have the chance to say 'byeeee, good luck' or what ever.
Thank goodness for each and every one here ((((Mimi)))) especially for making it possible.

Brooksie, so well said. Thank you very much for expressing so well how I

feel towards this gang. I had horrible withdrawals when we had a few empty weeks inbetween Epi and FK, I was miserable without all my cooking friends!

As the Quakers would say...

Brooksie speaks my mind (both as a lurker, infrequent sharer but almost daily user, and one who has been moved to tears by both Randi's passiing and the love and grief expressed by all who "knew" her). Whether you know it or not, you are all a part of my life too.

(((jugs))) to all of you here. I would have never made it through tough times

from the last year and who knows what is up ahead. I used to feel that I was writing into a vast void of space but then so many of you on your own spoke out about how much I mean to you and how much we all mean to each other and I just really can't thank you enough. I am so sad about Randi, and so glad you all are still here. Together we can get through anything because we feed each other more than just recipes.
