NFR: IRS~ Stimulus payment mailing schedule based on Social Security numbers


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Stimulus payment mailing schedule based on Social Security numbers

The exact date you receive a stimulus check will depend largely on the last two digits of your Social Security number.

More than 130 million stimulus payments will be sent out starting May 2, on a staggered schedule based on the last two digits of taxpayers' Social Security numbers, the Internal Revenue Service said Monday. On jointly filed returns, the mailing schedule will be based on the first Social Security number listed, the IRS said.

For taxpayers who file by April 15 and get their tax refund deposited directly into a bank or other financial account, the IRS will send stimulus payments from May 2 through May 16. For taxpayers who file by April 15 but don't choose direct deposit, the IRS will mail checks from May 16 through July 11 (see detailed schedule below).

Procrastinators, take note: For stimulus payments to be part of this delivery schedule, the IRS said tax returns must be "processed" by April 15 -- not "filed." That implies that a later timetable may apply to taxpayers who mail their return on or close to April 15, leaving little time for the return to be processed by that date.

If you expect a tax refund and choose to direct-deposit it into two or three separate accounts, the IRS will send your stimulus check in the mail. (To have your refund sent to more than one account requires you fill out Form 8888. See this IRS page for more information.)

If you owe taxes and are sending a payment to the IRS with your return, you can still have your stimulus payment deposited directly into a bank or other account, the IRS said. Simply fill out the appropriate section on your return related to direct deposit, detailing your account information. See this IRS page for FAQs on stimulus payments.

If you do owe taxes, be sure to fill out your return and send payment as usual. That is, don't try deducting your expected stimulus payment from your tax bill. If you don't pay your tax bill by April 15, you likely will owe interest and penalties, said Anthony Burke, an IRS spokesman.

However, if you have a past-due federal or state income tax bill or some other type of past-due federal debt such as student loans or child support, your stimulus payment likely will be reduced by what you owe.

Mailing schedule

This is the stimulus payment schedule for tax returns processed by April 15, the IRS said:

Direct deposit payments

If the last two digits of your Social Security number are: Your stimulus payment should be sent to your bank account by:

00 - 20 May 2

21 - 75 May 9

76 - 99 May 16

Paper check

If the last two digits of your Social Security number are: Your check should be in the mail by:

00 - 09 May 16

10 - 18 May 23

19 - 25 May 30

26 - 38 June 6

39 - 51 June 13

52 - 63 June 20

64 - 75 June 27

76 - 87 July 4

88 - 99 July 11

There may be exceptions, the IRS warned. "A small percentage of tax returns will require additional time to process and to compute a stimulus payment amount. For these returns, stimulus payments may not be issued in accordance with the schedule above, even if the tax return was processed by April 15," the IRS said in it its press release Monday.

"We have some returns that require a second look, that require us to pull them out of the processing for some reason or another," said Anthony Burke, an IRS spokesman, in a telephone interview. "It may not be that there's anything wrong with the return," he said.

The "vast majority of people" will receive their stimulus payment according to the posted schedule, Burke said, "but it's a big system, a lot of returns go through our pipeline" so some returns may not go exactly according to schedule.

Also, the IRS said there's a new online calculator taxpayers can use to figure how much their stimulus payment will be. You'll need to have a completed 2007 tax return on hand to use the calculator.

Tks for posting. Folks who do not have to file a tax return, (retired, drawing SS benefits or non-

taxable pensions) MUST file a 2007 income tax return in order to receive a rebate check. I am a volunteeer income tax preparer with a local free tax preparation program, and there are so many people who do not know that they can only get a rebate check if they file a 2007 tax return. Filing the return does not trigger any tax liability or scrutiny by the IRS. Some unscrupulous tax preparation companies are charging elderly and low-income citizens $150.00-$200.00 to file a tax return to get their $300.00 rebate. The VITA and TCE programs that I work with file the tax returns for free, electronically, with direct deposit into the taxpayers' bank account if desired.

Here are links to find out more about the free tax preparation service, and the stimulus payments.

BTW, our free tax preparation service is available to taxpayers, not just for the rebate checks. We can save you hundreds of dollars over paying a paid preparer for the same service. We are trained by the IRS, and they fund our program.,,id=107626,00.html
