I have a Macbook Pro. I love the sucker because it is almost impenetrable to viruses/spam/etc. However...I do hate the inability to manually trigger the removal of a CD from the internal drive like you can on a PC using the following high-tech device: a straightened paperclip.
This is a leadup to how I spent 45 frustrated minutes between last night and this morning: dealing with a stuck CD in my MAC internal drive. My computer is the type that DOES NOT have a drawer that slides out. No...you push the CD into the slit on the side of the computer and when all is right with the world, the CD comes back OUT of the little slit on the side of the computer. Unless you are me.
I was using AudioBookBuilder when Disk #3 decided it did not want to come out when I dragged it to the little Trash Can at the bottom of the screen. You could hear it spinning up and spinning down and whirling and cavorting, but It. Did. Not. Come. Out.
Not when I selected the CD then selected the Media Eject key.
Not when I selected the CD from I-tunes, then selected the EJECT CD from their pull-down list.
Not when I selected the CD from Disk Utility and then selected EJECT from their pull-down list.
Not when I tried rebooting.
Not when I tried rebooting while holiding down the Option Key.
Not when I tried rebooting while holiding down the Mouse Pad and swearing in Ukrainian.
Not when I went to Applications >> Utilities >>Terminal and entered the following command line: /urs/bin/drutil eject.
And then I searched the Internet for Any. Other. Solutions because this wasn't my own CD audio book...it was the library's and needed to be returned. So my next step was to make an appointment at the Apple Genius Bar and drive 60 minutes into a metropolitian city to the APPLE STORE the DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS and deal with the Huddled Masses who had ALL gotten APPLE PRODUCT FOR CHRISTMAS. Then drive 60 miles home again.
But God Bless wildcatherder2 for posting this on an Apple Support thread:
"A coworker told me that sometimes the disk hits the rubber dust seal on the way out and won't eject. He was right! I ran my thumbnail along the seal to spread it outward and the disk ejected on the next try. It's not always software, people!"
So I thought: What the Helvelica. I slide my fingernail back and forth inside and along the rubber gasket lining the little slit on the side of the computer and a silver glint showed up. I squinted, I bent down, I pulled with my fingertips... and wa-la!!! My CD was out!
Mr/Ms wildcatherder2** earned his/her wings today.
**PS: Forgive me for mentally mispronouncing your name as Wild-Catheter-2. It's such a...painful visualization that I can't help myself.
This is a leadup to how I spent 45 frustrated minutes between last night and this morning: dealing with a stuck CD in my MAC internal drive. My computer is the type that DOES NOT have a drawer that slides out. No...you push the CD into the slit on the side of the computer and when all is right with the world, the CD comes back OUT of the little slit on the side of the computer. Unless you are me.
I was using AudioBookBuilder when Disk #3 decided it did not want to come out when I dragged it to the little Trash Can at the bottom of the screen. You could hear it spinning up and spinning down and whirling and cavorting, but It. Did. Not. Come. Out.
Not when I selected the CD then selected the Media Eject key.
Not when I selected the CD from I-tunes, then selected the EJECT CD from their pull-down list.
Not when I selected the CD from Disk Utility and then selected EJECT from their pull-down list.
Not when I tried rebooting.
Not when I tried rebooting while holiding down the Option Key.
Not when I tried rebooting while holiding down the Mouse Pad and swearing in Ukrainian.
Not when I went to Applications >> Utilities >>Terminal and entered the following command line: /urs/bin/drutil eject.
And then I searched the Internet for Any. Other. Solutions because this wasn't my own CD audio book...it was the library's and needed to be returned. So my next step was to make an appointment at the Apple Genius Bar and drive 60 minutes into a metropolitian city to the APPLE STORE the DAY AFTER CHRISTMAS and deal with the Huddled Masses who had ALL gotten APPLE PRODUCT FOR CHRISTMAS. Then drive 60 miles home again.
But God Bless wildcatherder2 for posting this on an Apple Support thread:
"A coworker told me that sometimes the disk hits the rubber dust seal on the way out and won't eject. He was right! I ran my thumbnail along the seal to spread it outward and the disk ejected on the next try. It's not always software, people!"
So I thought: What the Helvelica. I slide my fingernail back and forth inside and along the rubber gasket lining the little slit on the side of the computer and a silver glint showed up. I squinted, I bent down, I pulled with my fingertips... and wa-la!!! My CD was out!
Mr/Ms wildcatherder2** earned his/her wings today.
**PS: Forgive me for mentally mispronouncing your name as Wild-Catheter-2. It's such a...painful visualization that I can't help myself.