NFR - Just downloaded the new version of Firefox - 23.0.1. (my first mistake). Now I'm stuck with


Well-known member
an extra tab on the left side of the screen, which is useless. It's just under the top bar/menu bar, and above the Bookmarks at the left. So, of course this useless new tab bar makes the screen shorter. It's a waste, since it only shows which URL I'm on, which is already shown on the address bar. How do I get rid of it?

Better yet, if someone can tell me how to download the previous version of Firefox, (which I should have stayed with), that should take care of it.

Sounds like a toolbar, did you find the solution under View>Toolbars and deselect one?

I'm on a laptop and want as much screen as I can get, so keep toolbars to a minimum. Or maybe it was treetabs?

Thanks! It was really a miracle - I was searching on Google (the other enemy, ie, gmail), and

wording it 2 million different ways. I almost gave up, but the solution finally showed up. Although, I have to admit, I wasn't even sure it was the remedy, and I was afraid to download it. - Things could have gotten worse. Luckily that wasn't the case. After one hour of this crap, I had to have some wine!
