NFR - New job (YEAH!) & the BIG news - cooking for BIG BIG EVENT!!!!


Well-known member
So it seems like after a rough summer things are coming together. I decided to take this semester off after I was offered a new job.

My company's contract runs out in December and the client hasn't done anything to extend it so it was looking like I might be without a job mid-December. I've had several people come to me and have been talking to them and one really great company made me a good offer so I accepted. Told my company last week and they told the client this morning so while it might not be a cake walk from now until September 15th, at least I don't have to keep it quiet or try to hide my relief and joy.

And I've kept this quiet for about a month and now that it is happening for sure, I am going to cook with a team that includes the three top chefs in town this weekend. Our new symphony hall is opening to an invitation only performance and dinner of who's whos who paid $2,500 per person for this. And there is talk that Food Network may be taping it but no confirmation on that until I get there.

I feel like a lot of weight has been lifted off my shoulders and I am on cloud 9. Going to spend this fall getting back to the old me and enjoying life again which I think I will be able to do with this new job. Maybe start on one of my two required internships since I know there is no way for me to get 300 hours of work in during one semester while working and being a mom and wife.

Great news, happy for you--Dinner sounds like a fine adventure!! Best wishes for everything!!


What an announcement!

I've been reading about your new music hall down there in Nashville. Incredible. I believe it is the first of its kind in this country (the interior is a dead on copy of the Musikverein in Vienna--the home of the Vienna Philharmonic), and it is exquiste.

We don't have symphony halls in this country like they do in Europe. We have all purpose halls with stages and prosceniums for opera and theatre. The new Nashville Schermerhorn Hall is a replica of the symphonic concert halls used in Europe. A large hall where the orchestra sits at one end, and the audience fills the rest.

Keep us posted!

It's so amazing what you're doing.

Congratulations! Everything seems to be coming together. The dinner sounds so exciting.

How will that "new girl" manage without you?

MCM....Wonderful News! Great to hear....As Joe pointed out before, don't mess with Missy! Great Job
