NFR: Nonprofit org's could automatically lose their tax-exempt status if they miss Monday filing


Well-known member
deadline for form 990-N.

I know some of you volunteer with nonprofit organizations, and I thought you might like to know about this IRS requirement. There was an article in this morning's newspaper about a change in the tax code that requires small nonprofits (churches are exempt) to file a form 990-N. Groups with a fiscal year ending 12/31 have until Monday (tomorrow) to meet the deadline for filing this form, or they will lose their tax-exempt status.

The form can be easily e-filed, but the article stated that there is an estimated 214,000 nonprofits who haven't filed the form. Many nonprofits are not aware of the filing requirement.

You might check with your Treasurer, to make sure that the form has been filed, and here's a link to some info about it. You can also Googgle "990-N" and get lots more info.

Hope this helps someone here.

Thanks Marianne. I called and checked just to make sure

and we are fine. I got worried for a moment there. Thanks for the heads up!
