NFR rant: Is anyone else totally disgusted by shipping costs this year?


Well-known member
Just tried to order 6 Torrone candy bars for my nephew- price was 16.00 shipping was 18.45!! Found the paint with water books cost was 9.99 shipping ws 18.00!!

They offer a a reasonably priced product and then gouge you on the shipping fee.

Ho Ho Ho

(Bah, humbug)

Another rant, sites that give different offers, discounts or free shipping when you log on. Their

offers are based on how you access the site, your location and a myriad of other criteria. You can even get different prices the same day if you leave the site and go back. This just seems wrong.

That's why no matter how much I love some things I rarely order them.

King Arthur charges ACTUAL shipping, but everything I want is heavy (multiple 5 lb bags of flour)and from up there to Texas is very expensive.

Same for chocolate a la taza bars from La Tienda. I just can't justify spending so much for a cup of hot chocolate no matter how divine it is.

I buy almost everything that I want to buy online from Amazon.........

They have good prices, in my opinion, and free shipping on orders over $25.00. Also, if you get a LL Bean Credit card shipping is free on anything you buy. Otherwise, I agree with the rant. I won't pay those ridiculous fees.

I just learned a tip last week

If you google the name of the store + promotion code, you can get that info even if you don't have the catalog with it. Sometimes, it's free shipping, a percent off, or a good deal.

Don't get me started! Sending a postcard here costs $1!! Try sending out

a ton of holiday cards locally, some nationally, a few to Europe and then add some more to the US. Last year I spent $150 on stamps alone. Then I sent out my Christmas parcels.

Someone at the post office - meaning the guy who sets the prices - should be very ashamed of himself!!!

This year, every year, but I just keep telling myself...

it's easier and cheaper than the plane ride would be to pick it up or deliver it ;o)

But it's discouraging isn't it.
