NFR Search: Any good at finding old magazines? I'm looking for a craft one from the late 1970's


I KNOW I was buying/using them when I lived in western PA. And that was June 1977 thru June 1981.

I "think" it was published either quarterly or every other month. The crafts were rather large and very wide-spread as far as skill. I remember one artist made a beautiful bed frame from reeds. The same artist made a full-size deer using chamios cloths. I made a side table and covered the top with a mosaic using seeds. (What can I was the 70's and macrame was King.)

The model on the cover of one issue was a Miss Universe--obviously I don't remember that year either.

I'm fairly certain Craft was in the title and possibly American or Home. But I've tried those permuations and haven't had any luck.

I've looked at recent "craft" magazines and the quality and scope is...childish, for lack of a better word. I'd like to locate this older magazine just to see if it was as good as I remember.

Wow...I just read this over and can't believe ANYONE will figure this one out. But have it...

Good lawd, something called Woman's Homecraft making macrame ... confetti art?

and it has Carol Burnett on the cover. Full stop.

Boy, times have changed! Pretty sure I once knew how to macrame, I'm sure of it in fact, but seems I've block it from my mind, lol. (After all there was macrame, and then disco...) Remember the macrame hanging planters with ferns in them? Pretty sure everyone was required to make or have at least one.

From poking around the interwebz maybe it was American Craft, the closest I could come to finding much dated that far back (their back issues only list going to 1999) is this blog post by someone mentioning they've subscribed since 1978 - maybe you could email her?

The only other thing might be to try doing searches based on a particular craft to see if you could find instructions, then find the name of the magazine that way. I did try reed bed and that deer, but didn't really get much of a hit. Sometimes it seems everything is on the web, and other times it's like the world didn't exist prior to the online age.

Wow...Thanks! I'm scanning, but not recognizing any. Definitely NOT "needlecraft" in the title

I know my limited skill set and would never buy a magazine solely dedicated to sewing. Also, there were quite a few male artisans represented, so I don't think "Woman" was in the title.

That said, I DO recall one article about needlework that had a unique involved padded embroidery or applique work. Name seemed Italian? Started with an I? or a T?

So many many dead brain cells.

Yes! And the magazine name is.... "American Home Crafts" ta-da!!

My best childhood friend remembered because we both made items from it. Both of us were single then (now married), lived a mile from where we worked (now 120 mile commute) and neither of us liked eating/making dinner (now it's every single night...unless we go out and that still takes time).

Evenings then had so much more...time to them.

I can't believe that title. I think I tried every single permutation of those words (which I thought were correct) but didn't want to throw off any new searches.

Thank you for all of your help!

just this week I inherited 2 macrame plant hangers, with plants, for my office. we think DHs mother

made them, so, they had to have a home with us. One of them has a lovely blue glass "net float" woven in it, so it has to be something she made with one of the floats that washes up on shore up here.

I think I remember "McCall's Crafts and Needlework" but I see you said that wasn' t it. 'Glad you

found what you were looking for!
