NFR - see the comments about bad doctoring, horrible drugs, here is a link for a


Well-known member
naturopath, if you

Put in your zip code and then choose mileage.

Naturopaths are medical doctors; they can give shots and drugs. But they try to treat the patient first at the cellular level so that your body is healthier and helps it heal itself with nutrients cleansed and fed within the cells.

Devil's advocate moment, after the flu this year I got a bad sinus/ear infection

then it went into my lungs, I was so grateful for antibiotics because I was so terribly ill. Before the days of antibiotics I might not have recovered at all or have had hearing loss, you know? I took Cipro which has a side effect of ruptured tendons, and I am one who had this issue with my newly healing ankle, but fortunately they caught the damage before it ruptured. It took an extra month and a half to heal plus a rather unpleasant series of cortisone injections. My stomach is still upset from that plus the recent antibiotics for pertussis but I'm having yogurt and probiotics daily to help and it will be back to normal soon enough. Despite all this, I would have much rather taken the antibiotics to fight off the infection than not. It comes down to the short term inconvenience of taking drugs to the long term repercussions of treatable illnesses. My two cents!!!

Naturopaths are medical drs. Mine brought the eyesight back to a

diabetic so he could drive again. You won't see diabetic drugs doing that!

Naturopaths can give shots and drugs. They have the desire and have taken the time learn a lot of other kinds of treatments to help patients heal at the cellular level rather than just treat the disease.
