NFR?: Sister visiting Ireland for 25 wedding anniversary next March. Must sees?


I was there over 30 years ago, but spent the entire time in Connemara.

I think they'll be there at least a week...maybe more.

My older sister is a tour guide and

has been to Ireland quite a few times. I will ask her.

I wrote a travelogue after a recent trip there, but can't seem to get PM to work

If you can send me a pm, maybe I can respond to it and attach the travelogue.

I see your name on the list. Sent you 2 PMs just now, one through PMs and one

through the "send private message" link inside the open post. Lemme know if you receive them.

I think Curious is right. I don't see my name on the list.

I haven't received any of your PMs, and can't send any.

Nor do I see my name on the list. I've come to the conclusion we can't send ourselves PMs. (however,

I do see your name on the list rhoward). smileys/smile.gif

I think I may still have your snail mail address. hee...I still have the Starbucks card...

you sent me. I just replenish it because it's so pretty. Baby baristas look at it and say "that's an OLD card!"

Okay, if you send me either your email or snail mail, I'll get the info to you

Still can't figure out what's wrong. I have used PMs in the past, but not lately.

I just found an email address for you from the time you sent

pics of the plane. I'll try to send it to that.

PMs seem to work bet for me if I only put info in the subject line. Once I enter info in the body

of the message, the message will not send for me. Works well to abbreviate info and get as much in the subject line as possible. Hope that helps you as well.
