NFR sort of What in you ropinion is the best all round chef knife.....more


Enthusiast Member
to get for my step-son.

He is left handed. Don't know if that makes a difference.

My husband got me a Wustof last year. I just love it and Alex likes the feel of it too. We want to get him a good starter knife for when he is out on his own.

There are so many chioces.....................

I don't want to get him an inferior product. I'm sure you all know what I mean.



First of all, don't but anything he hasn't had in his hand and used..

I had Wusthofs forever and loved them.
I cook to pay the bills, so my knives are my tools. I lost all my knives two years ago and when I went shopping they had lightened up and changed handles a bit on the chefs knife-somethink about ergonomics? I personally like a bit heavier knife. Went shopping and met the Shun. They come left and right handed, although I am left handed (a bit ambidextrous) the right hand model worked better. This shop had a cutting board, tomatoes, potatoes, etc.
So if the Wusthof feels good do it.
As you will see from the link above the Japanese are pretty cool, but pricy.
For a starter knife,Wusthof excellent and I bought a Wusthof paring knife and slicer.
Merry Christmas!

Actually, I should qualify my statements. It'll matter, depending on the type of knife you buy....

Most of the traditional Japanese-manufactured knives are right or left handed, like the ones at that Korin knife site.

Traditional German knives, like Henckles or Wusthof, can be used by either righties or lefties.

If you're looking for a chef's knife, and he likes your Wusthof, that would be a good knife to get.

But do take him to a good kitchen store to try the other brands as well. I'd look at the Wusthof or Henckles. Each brand has a couple of different lines too, so let him try out each of the handle styles to see which one he likes best.

Good for you, for preparing him to be on his own!

Thanks for the info, I just knew the knives I had wouldn't work for a left-handed person, didn't

know you could buy both.
