NFRC- A basement full of old cooking magazines- what to do???


Well-known member
I have been collecting cooking magazines since 1975 and have them pretty well organized in the basement. My husband would like to use the space for something else and asked if we could get rid of them. I don't know what to do. I have Gourmet, Bon Appetit, Food & Wine, Cuisine (several incarnations), The Pleasures of Cooking, Saveur, Fine Cooking, etc. that I don't use that much anymore now that there is so much on the internet. I hate to just take them to the dump- any suggestions? TIA

Might you consider our Larder Barter? You'll likely have a number of takers, with gratitude.

And will likely be willing to pay you for the postage. You could cull through them first to save those which really speak to you to save for future cooking.

Mine too! Did I tell you about the time I scavenged through a dumpster at midnight to retrieve...

some Sunset Magazines issues I saw someone had dumped out? BTW public libraries only carry magazines a few years back, if that many.

I. too have an entire section of my hubby's workshop filled with cooking magazines

and after reading your post, I took a hard look at it and realized, I have not even looked at any of them for years. I think I may offer them to our library. If they say no, that tells me they are not worth much. I hate throwing them out, because so much work went into each and every one of them, but.....there comes a time when we must think about all the stuff we have that no one wants.

I've been saving Bon Appetit for over thirty years s well, and the time has come..

to let them go. I am doing it in stages. I take a big storage tub full of magazines to my brother every few weeks. He goes through them, copies the reicpes he wants to try, and then they go to the local library. They sell them for either ten cents or twenty-five cents per copy.
Another possibility would be the home economics class at the local high-schoo;, but I think the public library is a better choice.

Our Library takes them and puts them in a "free mag" bin. I brought in a stack the other day, and

brought back some new ones! It actually is very nice.

You could try selling them on Ebay. The earlier ones should be worth something

and they are easy and cheap to mail. Gourmets may become more valuable, if you're young enough to wait it out (i.e. dead artists work more valuable than living)

I take mine to my son's school for the teachers. There is a

group of women there that love to cook. They put them in the lounge for everyone to look at. Our library has a free bin also for magazines and such.

Wait, we aren't gone yet! ;o) But if you don't want them around anymore, libraries usually take

anything that isn't musty or reaaaally old and sell them at annual/biannual book sales. Good idea about the hospital and senior home/nursing home donations. I think I like that idea even better.

I would love receiving them from a friend or family member as a unique and thoughtful Christmas or birthday present too... no friends or family are interested?

I also take my magazines to my manicurist's shop, doctor's office, dentist office

and occasionally give them to the local thrift shop.
