Ang, I retired 20 years ago at age 55 from my City job working mainly with the police dept.
I loved my job; it was exciting, challenging, fun, stressful at times, but different every day. I breezed into retirement four months later than I had planned as the Chief wanted me to train the new replacement.
I spent a few days at home catching up on some things, then one day I decided to take a drive out into the country, all by myself, just to think.
I got caught up in a high speed chase between the sheriff and a bad guy, it was so exciting, and I came home and cried because I was out of the loop.
The next day I woke up and went on my merry way. I did volunteer work with my dog, pet therapy...visiting hospitals, assisted and independent living facilities, colleges, and schools, Loved it. I cooked, entertained, and had family gatherings. The one thing I was not prepared for
Everyone kept asking me, "So, what are you doing now?" I got so tired of the intrusion and answering the same question. I finally came up with a pat answer, “I'm living my life, and doing whatever I want, when I want". If they persisted, and they did, I repeated..."I am living my life!" I said it with a smile and then I'd walk away. It got to be very annoying. At that time in my life I also decided, I wanted my life simple, no complications, and no trouble (caused by my decisions). I had a happy marriage; income was OK, a roof over my head, and food on the table.
It has been great, I now keep commitments low, do what I want, when I want. Troubles come and go, but we handle them.
I know couples who travel all the time, they complain about the trips they take, the terrible food, getting sick on cruise ships, or airplanes. We did our travels in an RV, visited the good old USA, no tour guides to take us to tourist shops, or keep us moving all day long. It has worked for us. To each his own, but I am partial to doing some sort of volunteer work that you have a passion for. It is important to maintain and make new friendships along the way. Plus it does not hurt to maintain your skills as a professional, as you will need all that knowledge dealing with what comes with aging and dealing with life.