One of my friends is really into felting and I wanted to give her something for that - she is in Australia, so anything from here would be different and new, but I have no idea what...??
There are two kinds of felting, needle felting and knitted or crocheted felting
Do you know which your friend does? I've done the knitted felting where you knit something in a certain kind of wool then wash it and it shrinks, becomes like felt. Think of a boiled wool jacket, that's felting.
This company makes really darling kits, they would be a nice gift. I have made their felted flowers, really darling, and the sushi wallet.
For needle felting, one has a base that looks like a block of needles, and using unspun wool in different colors and a special pushing tool, you pound the wool onto the base tightly creating a stiff fabric of wool. I have a catalog that I can get the name for you that has supplies. You could find a cute set of mini cookie cutters, they make great molds in which to make the felted fabric, for buttons or little decos for larger projects.