NFRC: Anyone with expertise about San Francisco CA?


Well-known member
We have two young men here, ages 21 and 22 (grandson and friend) who are from Ohio. They want to see San Francisco sights such as Chinatown, Golden Gate, Alcatraz, ride trolleys, etc. Since parking is an issue, I have suggested they take BART, Trolley, bus for sight seeing. Does anyone know of a safe, inexpensive place these two on a limited budget could stay for about three days, keeping in mind that it be accessible to transportation?

one thought

depending upon what you mean by the safe/inexpensive (pretty tough combo for anything in the Bay Area - emphasis on the inexpensive) but if you pop over the GG bridge into Marin staying in say Mill Valley there is immediate access to the bus service which runs regular to SF and is literally only 15 minutes from SF. Sausalito is even closer but has less to do than MV IMHO. If I'm not mistaken there is also a ferry from Tiburon to SF. Very safe area. And if by parking is an issue, you mean they have a vehicle, I'd suggest a drive up the coast. Gets really interesting in the Bodega Bay/ Jenner area but if they stop around Bodega Bay they can head inland just a bit to Guernville and checkout Armstrong Grove (redwoods). Beautiful and special place.
And of course since they are 21/22 there are the wineries. Sonoma wineries tend to be more family run/local flavor whereas Napa is more glitz and glam. Locals in Sonoma county have fought off most attempts at establishing the castles and other displays of opulence associated with wineries, whereas in Napa they often revel in it. There are some pretty kewl castles, modern architecture etc in Napa. Depends upon your personal tastes.
I like the wine trail on Highway 12 from the Kenwood area through the towns of Glenn Ellen and Sonoma. My tour would start with St. Francis and end with Sebastiani. If you go further north to the Alexander Valley the wineries are more dense. If they are into that, River Rock Casino is in that area.

Beautiful suggestions and one my husband and I would love to do. These guys are not the least

interested in wine...don't drink even, and this would be too expensive for them at this point in time. Thanks for the suggestion...keeping it for us!

how about Sausalito? I have a place there that's available for

short-term rentals...near the bus into SF and walking distance (longish walk) to the ferry.
Usually $100/night-furnished, has full kitchen.
It's a houseboat; near 101 and the bike path into Mill Valley.

While I fully appreciate your offer to reach out and help these young men . . .

and not to appear rude, I would think that a good part of their travel experience would be researching their own travel plans - they will learn (quickly sometimes) that it's part of the experience and the FUN!! Surely, in their mid-20's, even if they are from Ohio (again, not to appear rude), they are saavy on the internet.

There are many good, inexpensive lodging options even in downtown SF. Not grand, mind you, but safe, clean, and with adequate faciltites. Been there, done that. I can't recall any specifics, but I have stayed in many such places. It only takes a little research.

Magnolia. I agree with you completely. The mother instinct is coming out in me

I am giving them options and telling them to look it up on their laptops and decide. I am giving them starting places. From then on they are doing the research. Biggest problem is transportation from SF to Sacramento to catch a early am flight to Ohio. Thanks for your nudge to remind me to do the right thing.

But it does help to have suggestions from people who might have stayed there...

That's why we look at reviews online - but sometimes they can be skewed by the owner, friends of the owner, etc.

I would very much appreciate if someone on this board recommended something, and would value it more than someone from an anonymous board. Just sayin smileys/smile.gif

I second CouchSurfing. Have met many great people and hosted a few. All were fine, some great!

There are some nice hostels in the city for young people, there is one in Fort Mason

and another by Union Square. The Mosser is a great inexpensive hotel, tiny rooms but you can get one with a private bath for $60-$70. It's a hidden gem I think.

They could always stay on the pennisula and take the train into the city

maybe someplace like Redwood City or near the airport.

They made reservations at the one at Fort Mason yesterday. I liked that it is on Federal land

Because the likelihood of prostitutes, panhandlers, etc. is greatly reduced. Also, no taxes...the view is great to the places they want to see and easy access to muni. I think they will love it there, and be safer than the hostel in the tenderloin.

Thanks for suggestions all...they will be on their way on has been fun

having them here, but grandpa and I are ready for some rest!!

Karen, what airport are they flying into? I was on a tight budget and shocked at the SF airport

Crossing from the airport train to the muni line was $10, each way! Between that and bag charges--I was only there for 24 hours--it added up quickly.

Duh, just realized you're in NoCA. Perhaps they're driving? FYI, hostels are great. If it's their

first time, I never miss breakfast at a hostel. It's the best place to get tips from other travelers, etc. Usually I get up early, take my journal and head to the communal space/kitchen area. Inevitably I never get far with my journal, but I gather loads of ideas and often, new travel partners!
