nfrc... as a result of Hurricane Sandy, we changed our cable service and have to change our email


Well-known member
account. I have 135 days to change to a new service. Any recomendations? g-mail, y-mail, hotmail, etc..... g-mails looks so confusing to me compared to my old account. (Local cablevision company) Any thoughts / suggestions would be appreciated.

We have had our old account for well over 15 years, so I am struggling with the whole transition...

Appreciate thoughts / suggestions, I know this is completely off food topic, but I do get so many of my recipes through my email.



Gmail. Much better spam and security protection than any of the others. Not hard to learn! smileys/smile.gif

I have both a Y and G account...

as well as an old E*rthlink and one from my cable company ISP. I use G for formal things like business/resume and Y for my junk/meet-ups/groups/etc.

Gm*il has an advantage in that you can embed photos easily vs. attaching them. It's sorta intuitive in nature, which sometimes isn't all that intuitive, but once you get the hang of it should be fine. It's also more the cool kids address.The nested format, some like myself, dislike can be turned off. However, don't be surprised if you start seeing ads about things you mention in email.

is still ranked #1 as the most widely used webmail service in the U.S. It is a more traditional format so you might like it better. Here is an article about the latest version>

I see PC mag rated Hotmail as their pick, but I've never used it so can't speak to it.,2817,2380293,00.asp

I have Gmail, barb, and really like it.

I have it set up in my Outlook Express so it easy to access. I don't have to go to the Gmail site, it just comes up in my Outlook Express browser. Gmail gives very easy directions on how to set it up that way.
