Hey - what can I say - it was Florida's time.......

besides I didn't go there, only DH. I'm a good old Southern girl so in my Scarlet O'Hara voice - Frankly my dear I don't give a *****. I only care for DH sake - just don't want a grump. But actually, he's in a good mood for some reason - well at least he was until he got home a few minutes ago and was locked out (he left his keys at home and then DD must have used the hidden set and didn't put them back).

I think most of the usual "big" schools have underestimated the SEC...

They really are strong and fast. We enjoyed the game thoroughly.

I really can't believe that the Gators ran up the score so in the first half. If Ginn had stayed at full strength, the game would have been more competitive.

GO GATORS! Now, go Chargers!

Speaking of football: DH is from Seattle and I'm from Chicago--bears or seahawks?? oh no.

I was shocked. I didn't really care either way, but I was amazed at how the Gators...

...held their composure after the opening kickoff was run back for a touchdown. The just picked right up and proceeded to play THEIR game.

Yikes. The Buckeyes weren't just beaten... they were severely beaten about the head and shoulders with an heavy blunt object.


GO CHARGERS~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~Woo Hoo!
