NFRC Hey Dawn_MO, what are those flowers in your signature picture and how much snow are they under

They are nasturiums, and the pic was from S.D. We have no snow here,

in fact, today was 67. This has been a much more normal winter for St. Joe. It gets cold and snows, but it melts almost right away. I can handle cold, but I love the no snow or ice anywhere. By the way, nasturiums are easy to grow from seed, and are completely edible. The leaves are peppery like watercress, and the flowere are gorgeous when you make vinegar. I highly recommend them, both as a flower and as an edible.

I have family in MO and TX. For the last 48 hours it's warmer both places than here. We Floridians

are having a time of it. Supposed to warm to the seventies today, thank goodness.

St. Joe is one of my favorite places in the's home of the Chase Candy Co

and my all time fave, the Cherry Mash. Hubby special orders them for me for special occasions. He once considered a job offer but decided it would be too dangerous for me to live that close to them smileys/smile.gif

His mom lives in Columbia so I do get to visit on occasion.


if you ever want me to ship some to you, just let me know. They are everywhere!
