NFRC?? Just another day in prehistoric Florida...


Well-known member
Took Woofus for a walk in the dark tonight and he was staring at a house from afar and just stood there watching... I finally saw IT - an armadillo! My first sighting of one and Woofus and I went closer and the thing scurried back and forth and was looking for "stuff" on the ground but also stayed still sometimes. We didn't get too close. Woofus was going crazy and ready to attack it! Dad says they're dangerous but I looked them up and it seems dogs kill them but, I will NEVER take the trash out to the trash can at the back of the house at night wearing flip flops and without my flashlight! LOL!!

You should see what they do to our yard. They did for grubs, I think, but they really

tear it up. It's worse this year, probably because the lawns are irrigated and easier for them to root around. They keep the security lights popping on and off most of the night.
