NFRC Mar, I recall a number of years ago, you posted a tip about cleaning a dryer. I can be


Well-known member
completely off my rocker, but it had something to do with cleaning the screen. Does anyone remember this? I am into my Spring Cleaning. (Don't be impressed, I think I spent more time searching on / gails then cleaning!! : )

Oddly enough, I do. Turns out if you use fabric softener sheets in your dryer, a residue

may build up on the lint screen. This ends up blocking the air-flow and increases drying time. More important, it can cause over-heating and burn-out of the engine.

A quick and dirty way to test if you have this problem is to take the lint screen over to a sink and gently run water over it. If the water STAYS/floats on the screen surface, then the screen holes are clogged with residue and you need to scrub it with a brush to reopen the holes. If a gentle flow of water passes right through the screen, then you have no buildup.

In other words, a strong burst of water will get through the screen regardless of residue, so go gentle.

One friend went from 1.5 hours down to 30 minutes to dry her bath towels.

Too funny! DH tried to take this on last week! The screen looked clogged

so I asked him next time the vacuum is out to remind me to do the screen.
So I leave the house, he decides to use denture cleaner (he cleans everything with that) not that he wears dentures, it was a tip he read somewhere and was quite proud how it cleaned the coffee carafe. Now everything soakable gets minty clean. smileys/smile.gif
He takes my BEST pristine sheet pan and puts the lint trap in there. UGH! But how can you get mad?
Anyway, those darn tablets did the trick--it looks brand new, not one clogged hole (er, cavity smileys/smile.gif

Gotta love DH; if Mars technique does not work, I will try the denture tabs! Might make the

laundry smell minty fresh! Thanks!!!

ummm, can you share more denture tab hints?? I bought a box to clean my mouth guard and haven't

a clue what to do with the other 49 tablets.

Once you start looking around, loads of things!

Stainless water bottles, glasses, coffee carafes, stained coffee mugs, vases,
Tupperware, blender container, jars, plastic pitchers, etc.

He uses the unscented type (after my plastic travel coffee mug tasted “minty”)
VERY hot water, and a few tablets, depending on size of object.
Walmart sells a big box for about 2.99.

I use tabs to get coffee stains out of my Starbuck's stainless tumbler and....

I found they work great to help get stuff out of bottles with tiny pour holes- ie the glass bottles I put my homemade fruit vinegars in. I just cannot get a bottle brush into all the places when I am cleaning them.

Oh, MarilynFL, I was just fitted with an upper mouth guard this very day. Have to wear the derned

thing 24/7--even when I eat! A salad 2day for lunch was a real trick and took me eons to consume. This may do more to affect the scales positively than any other diet I've ever B4 tackled. (I have a band of adhesions in my left jaw that has begun causing pain when I chew so a dental pain specialist is trying this guard approach to see if it will reduce any of my inflammation.) I asked him 2day what a normal wearing time for one of these gadgets is--his serious reply was one year! The only time I am allowed to have my new guard out of my mouth is when I brush my teeth as that's when I also need to clean the guard. These golden years are sometime NOT so golden. As Roseanne Rosanna Danna on the old SNL sitcom used to say, "It is ALWAYS something." Amen, Sister.

Thanks so much for mentioning your guard & the denture tablets as I called my dentist to check, and the dental assistant said I can use the tablets to clean my guard, too, as it will begin discoloring after a while. A different staff member fit me this morning and never said anything about denture tablets so I have learned something else new from this site that is very timely.

A million thanks, MoNJ, for bringing up the idea of denture tablets! Your DH reminds me of the

father of the bride spraying his Windex on everyone and everything in that movie "My big FAT Greek wedding". Too cute!

CathyZ--thanks for yr encouragement. I figured others on this site would have experience w/ this

situation. After that salad at noon yesterday, I opted for fettucine Alfredo last night and oatmeal with blueberries this morning--softer foods are easier at the moment, but I'm game to tackle another salad for my lunch 2day.

wigs, I just got another one for my top teeth. I think you may have a new weight-loss plan.

Which movie star are you going to sign on???

I have one of those Starbucks mugs. For 2 years I've been trying to clean the damn thing.

I used vinegar and baking soda and soaked for two days...nothing. Scrubbed with a brush and SoftScrub...nothing. After reading your post, Cathy, I went to WalMart and got a box of 90 tablets for $2.83. Added 2 to very warm water and soaked over night. The stainless steel sparkle this morning almost blinded me!! Thanks!
