NFRC - re. our military....a new organization that helps dress the wounded


Well-known member
There's a new

Many of our wounded military can't get pants on, esp. if they have a prosthesis on. There's a local organization ( that collects $ to buy briefs, shorts, pants, etc...they open the seams and replace with velcro.

Now it's easier for the vets to dress themselves, esp if they've lost feeling in fingers or dexterity, or whatever.

I thought some of you might like to help these stitchers. Apparently there's a huge need.

One guy was visited by Pres. Bush and that's how it started. Someone felt bad that the vet had to stay in his hospital they took pants and put velcro on the side, then he was able to dress himself before the President visited.

I heard about this through our local Fox newscast.

Wonderful!!Thanks for posting.With my silly little injury by comparison I can relate and contribute.
