NFRC. Richard, the Cincinnati Ballet is coming to Anchorage for the Nutcracker


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performance over Thanksgiving. It's our traditional time for the Nutcracker, and the Oregon troupe usually comes up for it. I'll be in Chicago and will miss it, but thought of you when I saw this.

Ang, I haven't seen...

their new production of it. They redid the entire thing last year from top to bottom. I think that's about the 10th version now, hard to keep up with it; it's been going strong since I was in grade school way back when. We're taking granddaughter to Christmas Carol at the Cincinnati Playhouse this year, will probably rotate Nutcracker back in next year. LOL

this is a big deal, long time holiday tradition up here. we try to go every other year or so

this will be our skip year. funny audience though---you'll see anything from glitter and tuxes to carharts and flannel. lots of fur too.
