Ouch, that is one sharp pair of tongs. It reminds me of an injury I had right before a party.
It was Jacques' 50th, and he wasn't too keen, so I had to maintain a cheerful countenance through all the preparations or he would have wanted to cancel. He was not supportive of the complicated meal I had planned either. Two days before the party we got a fabric delivery at our shop. I was slicing open packages in a hurry because I wanted to get home to start cooking, and I put a big gash in my palm with a box cutter. We went to the emergency room and I was having trouble coping. I was trying to explain to the nurse, "I don't have time for this you know. I have fifty people coming for a party Saturday and I haven't started cooking!" She deadpanned, "Am I invited, because otherwise I can't imagine why you are telling me this."
8 stitches later, I was forced by fate to simplify the menu.