NFRC - Word Perfect users


Well-known member
Are you using Word Perfect Lightening? Every time I get an attachment, I can never open it up. They come in the form of ".docx" and Then there is nothing there, even though it has an attachment with mBs. Eleanor, I think that was you? Can you PM me if it is not easy to explain here? Did you figure out whatever you needed to know about MS Word? I'll help if I can. And maybe someone can explain to me how to access Word Perfect attachment!

Dawn, I don't have Word Perfect so I may not be of much help

however, I am using Microsoft Word. When I want to send a text attachement, the drop down opens and one option is to send it in an older version of Word 97. I have to use this option because most of the folks I send to do not have Vista operating system. You might check and see if your "send" options includes an option such as this.

Are you using WP or Word? IF Word, you can download a compatibility file

free from Microsoft to deal with the newer docx format.

If WP, what version do you have? Is Lightning the extent of your WP program?

I was using WP X3. It worked with Vista for about a year so I think with Vista's automatic updates

changed things. I couldn't e-mail documents. Couldn't copy and paste. Then when I was in WP it kept freezing up and crashing and I had to keep rebutting it. At first I thought it was a virus. Had the computer serviced ($100.00) and reloaded WP twice. Then was told that Vista and WP were not compatible. It did work for about a year though. So I've given up WP with much regret.

I didn't like MSWord so I`m using Open Office which I`m finding is a little like

WP. BUT - I had my WP documents (recipes) backed up and when I loaded them into OO, I lost all the formatting. When I reformat them and try to save the changes, it makes a new document instead of correcting the original (am I making sense). So then I have to go back, check the two documents and delete the unformatted one. Its taking forever. I have tried everything ``save`` ``save as`` I can`t get it to correct the original WP document. Now when I enter a new doc., it works fine. I can edit it and save it in the original file. So I guess I'm just going to leave the unformatted ones as is until I need to reprint them and change them then.

I have MSWord 2003 - I love that version, hate the newer version of it, and thanks for

the info. I'll have to try that.

I think .docx is a newer type of extention...sorry but I forget the name right now

but the newer versions of MSWord/Office I know are going over to that file format (if I recall this is the newer open file formats). I noticed now that I've gone over to MS 07 the extentions for Word, Excel, etc are all followed by that added x.

So this sounds like it might be a compatibility issue in that the file you received may be of a newer version than you are running. You might check that and/or ask whoever sent you the file to save it in the previous version and see if that fixes it. I don't know about WordPerfect but MS has a patch you can download just for this reason with their products.

And I'm tooootally with you on the new version of MS. (NFR rant below)
So much so I've written a complaint letter. I hate the new version with a white hot passion of a thousand suns. I'm trying to make myself use it but it honestly is so awful and time consuming if you are a power user. I may break down and revert back to 03 where I could have toolbars with everything at my fingertips.

PS I listened to a 2 hr lecture from an MS programmer on the whole how/why of the ribbon concept, basically it's a dummy-down for users who were intimidated by toolbars they didn't know how to use. So instead they hid everything so it wouldn't be so *scary* for them.

That should work if you save your updates to a cd or flash drive then

do a system restore to revert the old ones, then pop in the newer ones back to your HDrive from the cd or flash drive.

I had a family with 3 teens staying at our cabin. left no instructions for the WII game---figured

they would all be enjoying the out-of-doors. Their thank you card included "...we really enjoyed the WII sports---thanks".
