PayPal shuts down account of Regretsy site owner, who had raised money for holiday gifts for kids. (There's more to it than that, but the best quote is from the Regretsy owner's transcript of her phone conversation with PayPal execs, who told her, "If you wanted to make donations for a sick cat via the Donate button, that would be fine, but you can't use it to generate donations for kids."
(It's slightly more complicated than that, but I certainly didn't know that only nonprofits (of the registered, 501c3 ilk) are allowed to use the "Donate" button. And it's a dumb, dumb move by PayPal, as it's generated a firestorm of negative PR.)
(It's slightly more complicated than that, but I certainly didn't know that only nonprofits (of the registered, 501c3 ilk) are allowed to use the "Donate" button. And it's a dumb, dumb move by PayPal, as it's generated a firestorm of negative PR.)