NFRQ... How do you follow a blog? I am not techie and would love to learn


Well-known member
when there are updates on some. (I love the blogs from our FK members!) Do you bookmark each blog that you are interested in, and check daily or is there a way to be notified when a new entry has been added? I see many blogs have a sign-in page linked to the top of the page. Is that a sign-in to their individual blog or is there a "Blog Central" where all blogs are listed. Just curious. Appreciate your insight and guidance!!



Hi Barb - I don't know about all but the way some work

is that there is an area/prompt to submit your email address. Once done and you verified that you really did submit your address, blog posts are sent to you as published. You can also sign up via RSS feed but I'm kinda clueless how that one works.

Barb, I use Google Reader. If there's not a direct link to that on the blog, I copy

the URL of the home page, click on 'add a subscription'. and paste it in. Then I visit Google REader and the new posts are highlighted and I can read them. I've got several blogs, newspaper sites, etc in mine and am always adding and subtracting. Just watch out for Serious Eats. They send out so many entries in a day it can get daunting. Another advantage is when you see the title, you pretty much know if it's something you want to delve into or you can just click 'mark as read'.

This is probably as clear as muc, but once you check out the reader and add a couple of subscriptions, it's really easy. I'm very non-techie as I'm sure you can tell by reading this.

Deb and C1, thanks so much! I have been having fun this pm. 2 ? Do we have a link/thread for our

FK member blogs? Also, I set up the google Reader account. Does that mean all the pretty background details are lost for a reader? I can tell so much time, energy and thought was spent into creating and developing them for the blog and unless I am setting up Google Reader incorrectly, they go it to pure vanilla on google reader.
Thanks so much again...It has opened a new world!~ ((Who knew there are blogs on GPS or Wii??))

you can open the blog entry in your reader, then click on the title to go to the actual blog with

all the pictures, etc. You can then navigate to other entries you haven't read from the blog page. Just be sure to mark them all read when you go back to the reader. Most authors don't allow the entire entry to display on the reader page, I think it's to thwart sites that pirate them.

Here are 4 blogs by our members. Perhaps if there are more, they'll speak up.

Heather in SF

Deb in Michigan



And as a bonus, I've linked to one of my favorites.
