NFRQ: New computer w/ Vista, Office 2007, 22" widescreen monitor...can't see squat.


Okay, I can read it, but the Internet font size is pretty darn small for these old eyes.

Does anyone know how to adjust it?

I've done the usual (Properties, Display) but Vista doesn't look anything like XP or 2003. That option has been superceded by a much fancier set of adjustables that make no sense to me.

I have Vista 2008 widescreen~ have no problems with vista, go to control panel or help

On control panel~ go to fonts and click it should help you.

If not.....

Go to: Help and support and type in fonts~ it will give you step by step instructions

Can google your computer and ask about fonts

Last but not least: call the Geek Squad or the store you bought it from.

Hope this helps you

I have been successful with Windows Vista, I heard so many horror stories and that is all they were~ horror stories. I really like windows vista.


D, if I increase the fonts, will that increase an entire website's display?

On my computer at work, I can CNTL + scrool to increase the font, but that really messes things up. So I'm looking for something that basically makes EVERYTHING larger so the font stays in proportion to the rest of the page.

Thanks for the help.

I've had that same problem but it is on an older program, so maybe will not help you. Try

looking for a program (at one computer I was on before I got my own) that lets you adjust the resolution for the screen. It let you adjust graphics properities. Maybe you've tried this, though.

I can't remember the name of the program, but it is NOT on under the display folder for some reason. It was a little icon in the desktop tray.

I think if you just adjust the font (what I think Dianne suggested) will just make the font bigger, but won't adjust the "unadjustable" words on the page. Maybe.

Good luck!

The program I couldn't remember the name of was Intel Graphics Media/Accelerator Driver, if that

helps. Great that you got a new computer at home though!
