NFRQ What are your plans for New Years Eve? We are


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not doing anything exciting, just going to see a movie - probably "Hot Springs on the Hudson(?)" and then stop at Denny's for a late-night breakfast. Probably will be home by 10ish.

Tomorrow, however, will be going to friend of DH's for his neighborhood NYD brunch. I am bringing fig bread and lentil salad. :eek:)

Happy New Year, everyone, a little early.

We are heading across the street for a neighborhood get together. I am bringing Pepper-Glazed Goat

Cheese Gratin. I found the rec from a blog that Traca posted. I used my own raspberry / hungarian pepper jam. Looks very pretty!

Happy New Year!

We weren't going to do anything, but Jacques woke up wanting blinis with smoked salmon,

as if it's totally expected--what, you're not making blinis? Really? I thought we would be using up leftovers and watching TV, but I'm not complaining.

So I went out for buckwheat flour and smoked salmon and dill and cream. I also went to the garden and picked some endive for salad.

There's already cheese and bread in the house. I have some ripe pears so I did a search here and ended up with Erin's Pear Crumble. (link)

I saw some chestnuts in the market and remembered Paul's boil/roast method. So I will be trying that too.

It looks like we'll have a festive New Year's after all.

We are off to friends who are up the hill so we will see two lots of fireworks....

I am taking egg mousse, ham and turkey pie made with champagne and parsley sauce with phyllo topping and baklava. I have recently realised just how quick and easy these are to make if everything is all prepped and waiting like the simple syrup and the crushed nuts.
One of those things that folk think I have taken ages making!

Your food choices are always so interesting and I first thought "Wow, barb is

making goat. Cool! I have to admit I was a little disappointed. It does sound good though. LOL

We're strapping on our kevlar pajamas & huddling in a room with no outside walls, 'til after midnite

Ah, yes. Life in the City of Angels.

Party & Home - Best of both worlds!

We went into town for a party with old friends and new acquaintances but are home in time to see the ball drop in Times Square on TV.

My friends invited themselves to a party at my house.

So that's what we did.

I served Champagne when the guests arrived and then we had a sit down dinner with white tablecloths, crystal glasses and real silverware. I decorated the table with white candles and pink orchids, and the table was sparkling with silver candle holders and small, crystal flower vases.

Yup, it was over the top, and we loved it smileys/bigsmile.gif

Orchid, that is so funny!! I will think of you when I eat my lil stash that I did not

add to the platter. It was a hit last night. Tx to Traca for posting the blog site

we go "up north" to some cabins with a bunch of friends for snowmachining and potluck and fireworks

it's a huge fireworks show, cuz it's dark and much better to watch than July 4th. Huge bonfire and a blessing circle with all the friends.

Down here a snow machine is a giant rainbird-like thing that spays water over barren ski slopes

that turns to "snow" on its way down.

I grew up with knowing only "snowmobiles", when I moved up here, I kept getting corrected, big time

so I gave up and decided to go with the flow and call them snowmachines. still sounds odd to me, but it is what it is.
