NFRQ what is the tap water in CA, specifically Long Beach, like?


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Elder DD is moving to Long Beach for grad school. We sent her car off to be trucked across the country, with its trunk as full as we could cram it. Now we have to decide what goes into the suitcases we are flying with. We have just had the reservoir in our our fridge replaced, so we have drinkable water again, and no longer need the Brita jug. Should we pack it, or is the water good there? (DD says no, we can buy another if we need it, but this whole experience is so incredible expensive - and she has no money - that I just glared at her and said it was going!)

And send me lots of good vibes, I'm flying out with her next week, and I'll have to rent the smallest possible U-Haul to pick up furniture. I drive a tiny Yaris most of the time, so I'm terrified.

Well, I don't know about the water in Long Beach, but I know a bit about kids going off to college.

Our three kids would have never spent the time to use a Brita, they are too busy getting settled, finding classes and getting adjusted. Then there are too many hours of homework, labs, projects, parties and more parties. The city water is not going to kill her, but if it tastes really bad, there is bottled water at the cafeteria and probably at the dorm. She may have to learn to like the City water if she can't fund the bottled water habit. My guess is that packing the Bria will be a waste of time. If she wants it after she gets there, you can always send it, but it may be less expensive to buy another where she is.

Furniture? You mean to find and haul furniture at this end? Have her check the

school bulletin board (usually online) for students trying to sell their stuff ... so they don't have to move it.

I'm drinking a glass of Long Beach water right now. It tastes fine to me because I'm used to it.

I just discontinued my bottled water service to save money and for environmental reasons, and I don't miss it. I planned to buy a filter system but I haven't yet.

In general, the water in SoCal is harder, i.e. more mineral, than what she might be used to, because a lot of it comes from the Colorado River.

She's pretty good about filling the Brita at home...

We try not to drink bottled water (except on Girl Scout trips, when I have to have lots of extra water), so I don't really want her buying that.If the water is just very hard, that should be fine - here in Orlando we used groundwater that comes from limestone, so it's very hard too, but it has a lot of chlorine, and sometimes there's a tang of sulfur. Joe, if the water is OK to your palate, then I'm sure it's fine, and she probably won't need the jug.

As for the furniture, we are coming at just the wrong time, I think, as most students have already left. I'm making her register on Freecycle, in the hope of finding some stuff there. This morning, I used my brain for the first time, and went on-line to look for beds. I found a good sale and paid for delivery - that was what was worrying me the most, so I might get away without a truck. We'll see.

It just occurred to me. Since we had a copper re-pipe on the house a few years ago,

the water has tasted better and I found we were using the bottled less and less.

So it may not always be the water source to blame for bad taste.
