Nice table idea for Oscar parties from "Serendipity Parties"


Squares of "Hollywood Walk of Fame" stars, laminated together to make a table runner.

A fun idea might be to change the star's names to your party guests.

(I'm not sure if the image in the book of the runner was made from scratch or just by enlarging an online image. They don't provide details, but I'm good at stealing ideas. See the link for a blowup of Aahhh-nold's....)

Bummer, I took the book back already. They did a V-Day party...and a TEA party. I'll check

it out again tomorrow and post any interesting ideas.

The book did have a photo that slightly creeped me out:

Bake individual meatloafs in foil cupcake holders.
Take mashed potatoes and dye them purple, pink, and green. Pipe swirls of colored potato "icing" on the meatloaf "cupcake". They looked just like cupcakes!

Personally, I think it would be a rude awakening to bite into something your mind considered a sweet dessert and find onions in it. But I'll bet kids would love the idea....especially if they were allowed to pipe the "icing".

Swapping ideas:

The meatloaf "cupcake" made me wonder about a REVERSE where the entree items all looked like dessert (ala meatloaf cupcake) and the desserts looked like meat/potatoes.


ah huh....

Okay, I'm stuck. Haven't a single idea to put to this thought. That's what I get for being awake for 5.5 hours without any protein.

The did a show on that - on tv... that one where the chef gets his orders when he get to the site -

He showed up at one site and it was a dinner for a group of magicians. So everything he made had to LOOK like something else - lots of fun smileys/smile.gif

How about mashed potatoes, beef, and ketchup to look like an ice cream sundae, and

fodant rolled up to look like peas, carrots, corn (like marzipan).

Oh, I had an idea for "scrambled eggs" and "bacon" but it's gone now. Maybe yellow cake crumbled up with slices of milk cholate cake on top?

This is harder than you'd think!

I've made the kids cute mini hamburgers - vanilla wafers (bun), white icing (mayo)

mint patty (burger), green tinted coconut (lettuce), smashed red gummy (tomato). Finish with a little egg wash on top and sprinkle sesame seed. They are really cute all piled up on a plate.
