Is this just an American thing?
It's everywhere!
Everyone is suddenly an expert of all they touch. Drives me nuts.
Many people can't seem to string 3 words together and make a grammatically correct sentence these days, but they feel qualified to critique the work of people who write for a living (I get this a lot Arrrghghghg!).
I'm sure everyone can think of many other examples in their lives besides the chef.
"Fluent" in a language is another. Fluent means you speak as a native would. I've studied lots of German and can get by, but fluent I'm not. Everyone always introduces me as "Oh, this is Richard, he is FLUENT in German." No I'm not!
To my horror, I was recently introduced (by someone who didn't know a word of German, so therefore was unqualified to make this assessment) to a native German speaker as being "fluent" in German! I was mortified.
And while we're on the topic: companies using names of classic things to describe their cheap junk? A slice of chemically artificially flavored lime pie can't be just a lime pie. No, it's a KEY lime pie.
Oh? What makes it Key?