No doubt you all remember my old friends' little boy...

Marg CDN

Well-known member
I had mentioned old friends who were never cooks whose only kid became this important chef in Chicago. (there is some dispute over whether he is the youngest ever 2-star Michelin chef) Of course you don't remember but here he is again.

He has now been a judge at a couple of the Bocuse d'Or this past year and will be attending the Lyon contest next week with a view to considering entering himself in the following worldwide contest.

Yikes, what a daunting prospect!! Can you imagine how nerve-wracking that would be!?

I had to Wiki Bocuse d'Or because I had no clue what it meant. Damn!

I'm betting he doesn't go to BJ's warehouse store and buy the "already cooked, ready to eat" Chef Jay's Epicurean Kitchen Porchetta, does he.

Wishing him the BEST of luck!

PS: Has he ever cooked for you??'Or

Marg, can you share his name? I have several friends working in Chicago. I'd like to look him up.

Also, a TERRIFIC book based on the competition is "Knives at Dawn." It goes deep into the American team preparing for the competition, ordering custom plates, the coaches, and it's the book where I fell in love with Thomas Keller. Very well done.

Marilyn are you still listening to audio books? Check out Knives at Dawn, based on the competition.

One of my favorite audio books. Utterly fascinating and so much detail. I'm in awe of the author's ability to tell this story.

I listen every day on my commute. Thanks for the recommendation.

It can be downloaded from Hoopla via my library.

It's the site my county library uses for downloadable media: books/music/movies, etc

The only issue with Hoopla is it's a 2-week rental. Then it "goes away" from your computer so I can't transfer it to my I-pod. I would have to listen to it on my computer. Right now that is the only option for this particular book.

Check your library. It may either use this or some other application for media. Most libraries are getting away from buying the physical object (CD audio or DVD) and just paying a rental for downloadable media. That way they don't have to find more and more room to shelve audio books/DVDs nor worry about patrons losing/damaging them.

How exciting! You must be very proud and probably one of the few of his parents friends that truly

understands / appreciates the significance.

Wow, I'm duly impressed! Wishing him the very best of luck at this upcoming competition.

our library uses oneclick digital and overdrive media haven't heard oh hoopla

just finished listening to #14 Stephany Plum mysteries. Janet Evanovich. easy fun commute listening. I'm downloading The Invention of Wings today.

We have Overdrive too, but that is only for audio or ebooks. Happily, I can export those

to my I-Pod. They disappear off of my computer, but stay on my I-Pod.

We also have Freegal (more music).

I gave up on Evanovich around Book #11. I thought Books 1-3 were absolutely BRILLIANT.

After that each book became more and more of a cookie cutter from the basic Stephanie Plum outline.
