No Winter here to speak of and quite a bit of rain. We ALREADY have peaches! And they're GREAT!

Fried chicken, black-eyed peas, mashed potatoes and peach cobbler?

I can't believe how difficult it has gotten to get fresh black-eyed peas, even in the South. I don't care for the dried or frozen ones. They are just not the same at all. The ones that are available commercially frozen are picked at a later stage and are starchier and don't have the same fresh taste.

...meanwhile, I could barely cut away the meat from fresh "Georgia" peaches. {{sigh}}

I was working a 2-week stint in FW and drove 4 hours to Frederickburg to buy...really, anything made from Texas peaches. Both places I stopped at said the peaches used in their jam weren't from Hill Country and one admitted that their peaches came from Mexico.

I was so bummed.

At least I got to have breakfast at Rebecca Rather's (Pastry Queen) bakery.

let me qualify that...

when I see a great sale, like the whole easter hams marked down to less than half price, that's when I would like to sock a couple in a freezer. I bought a 22 pounder last week for $20! That's the price of 2 pounds of sliced ham (real ham, not the fake junk) from the deli!

this is a very small "local only" market credentialed by the sponsor

Parker County peaches are just as good as Fredericksburg and Parker County is just west of Ft. Worth. Parker's probably more likely to have a late freeze and ruin the crop though.

I just went to the grand opening of a new Aldi's

they actually moved the old on, and it is so much bigger with many more items. I bought the spiral sliced ham there for $1.69/lb. Also a Pilgrim's Pride whole chicken for $.69/lb. It is amazing how much money I can save there.
