Not even remotely food-related, unless I go with Cuisses de Grenouille

Aw man! I read it; and was about to respond; but had to leave; I can't believe you slept w/ a frog

in your bathroom! I am freaked out with mickey noises; but I do my best... I seriously could not sleep knowing that the eyes of the toad would be there in the am.

Sorry your post is lost; as always, they make me laugh. I searched my history, and it is gone.


I read it, too. I bet it was some sort of tree frog. We had lots of them in various outdoor

spots when we lived in Florida. They especially liked to hide behind the shutters and hang out in a bird of paradise tree. They made quite a racket when it rained. Only one I saw inside was in the toilet of the pool bath that was seldom used. My grandson was six when he visited and happened upon it. He was not amused and he wouldn't go anywhere near that bath for the remainder of his visit.

Your account made me laugh, I searched my history also, alas, it wasn't there.

I read it, too. And I was too busy to post a reply

- darn. I'm sorry! Please rewrite! And please, please make a copy (computer or hard copy) of everything you write from now on. Your musings should definitely be saved! Colleen
