Not really food related, but for those with an eggcellent sense of humor.


Well-known member
Someone snagged the eggs out of the grocery bag.

Why, did you REALLY think I would NOT appear here??

That's a scream!!

Your precious pooch has a certain look of accomplishment that cannot be ignored.

Eggsellent photos and kudos to Dixie for a job well done. LOL!

I'm never sure if they look guilty, or unconcerned, as in, "Ok. I took the eggs. What are... gonna do? Ground me? Keep the lid on the toilet closed? Make me eat dry food? Go ahead. Do your worst!"

Very cute.


Ha, so cute but vexing too. one of ours got a whole sleeve of Orowheat dbl fiber muffins.

we had a coupon too and never got to taste even one. grrrrrr.

Cute picture story , but I would like to inquire if the dog has "cherry eye"

My puppy has been going through this, we did a surgery on each eye and one is back now. The other one has held.
