Not totally FR: Saturday is Pi Day, 3.14.15. This only happens once each Century. Are you


Well-known member
celebrating? We are going with Crawfish Pie and Coconut Cream Pie. Anyone else planning to recognize the day?

Marianne in South Alabama

...and...if you wait until 9 hours, 26 minutes and 53 seconds have passed...

you'll hit 10 digits.

3.141592653 (see link for many, many more digits)

I'm going to make Charlotte Malakoff in my Pi plate for the library, with fresh strawberries covered in my strawberry jam and possibly a chocolate layer at the bottom. I'm going to review wig's uber-collection of chocolate desserts to see about that bottom layer.

I've celebrated Pi Day for 64-364/365 years now. Yep, I turn 65 tomorrow & it's fun 2 C all the

hoopla about MY birthday this go-round. lol!

BTW, that is a GORGEOUS Pi plate, Judy! You are so talented. I think of U each & every time I glance at the little blue lidded crock I bought from U where I store garlic bulbs. All your pieces on display are beautiful.

*H* is one way to write the Greek letter for *eta* (see link for more)

And the term for the square root of a -1 is "i" for Imaginary Number. We don't use imaginary numbers in our daily life (like buying a "real" certain number of apples) but it is required for higher math equations.

I've been trying to derive "imaginary calorie counts" for years. Still not working.

So the clever math saying "i eta Pi" on Judy's design is saying "I ate a pie"

Oops, many thanks for the math and Greek lessons, LOL again! I knew what the plate said, just didn't

understand why.

Terry Pratchett's *Bloody Stupid Johnson* designed objects using the neater value of 3 for Pi

(as used in the book "Going Postal")

Bloody Stupid Johnson's Mail-sorting engine, the Post Office, Ankh-Morpork.

In the centre of this machine is one wheel that Johnson, for the sake of tidiness, designed with Pi of exactly 3, not 3.14-mumble-mumble-and-a-bit. In order for Pi to be exactly 3, the universe has been changed. The machine therefore taps through many layers of the space-time continuum. Mail came out of the sorting machine that wasn't put into it by the human hands of the postal workers. Mail from next week, mail from 50 years in the future, mail that could have been, mail from alternative universes, mail that people swore they posted but really hadn't, mountains of such mail.

Finally, Chief Postal Inspector Rumbelow beat up the machine so that it stopped whirring.

I had the same question. Thanks for asking and thanks for the answer. Little known fact; I could

say the greek alphabet 3 times fast; very, very fast. As an adult, I wonder what I was thinking by pledging!!! : )

As always Judy, beautiful plate!! Im so impressed by your pottery

I just bought it for Bub for Xmas. I am trying to do all of my

shopping early this year. Being a mathematician and a pie baker, he will most definitely appreciate this. Thanks Judy!
