Now I will have to try the one Joe doesn't have onions, bet it would make really ....

Luisa, someone gave me a local bakery's sourdough crisps, with walnut and cranberries

The bakery makes a wonderful walnut and dried cranberry sourdough bread.

It looks like they take the day old leftovers, slice them about 1/8" thick, maybe brush it with olive oil, sprinkle it with cinnamon sugar, then bake it until it's hard and crunchy. It looks like a biscotti, and I'm sooo loving it!

Might be a good use for your leftovers too, if you needed another use for your walnut breads....

Does sound good. The ONLY reason I had ANY leftovers was...

As soon as it cooled off and we had our couple of slices each, I popped the second loaf and the half of the one I cut into the freezer, otherwise we would have gobbled one of the loaves down straightaway. I'm glad I made two smaller loaves instead of one big one.
