NRFC: A zen moment at the canteen


It’s 8:05 am and I’m ALREADY BACK at the cafeteria getting my second cup of coffee. Mind you, it’s a 1/4 mile round trip from where I sit so I justify the need as exercise.

In the cafeteria, Styrofoam cups are in one location, the coffee urns are in another, the lids are in a THIRD place and the sugar/cream/stirrers are in a FOURTH location. I SO DESPERATELY want to reorganize this place that my head spins.

Anyway, I’m fixing my coffee at Location Four and this guy comes up next to me to fix his. And he’s PERKY. “Good morning!!” he crows. He’s happy. Full of Life. PERKY.

I gave him my ‘I’ve been up since 5:00 AM and this is only my second cup of coffee’ look and asked him WHY? Why was he so happy? I wanted this man to share his joie de vivre secret.

Well, as it turns out, he’s happy TO BE ALIVE. Three years ago he was in TWO life-threatening car accidents. The first as a state highway trooper when a car t-boned him going 85 MPH. The 25-year old driver died at the scene and Officer Perky spent 3 weeks in the hospital, 3 month in therapy and still has metal rods in his arm and leg. SEVEN months later, a drunk woman plows into him. Back to the hospital, back to therapy, back to rehab, and then he left the force for a less dangerous job here at LM. He can finally move without a wheel chair, without a walker, without crutches. He can walk with a small limp and rods in his hip and arms.

Officer Perky's name is Bill. And he is happy to be alive.

No caffeine needed.

Great read first thing this morning and now I got my grumpy self up

(I despise our summer heat) because it is already 81° and I realize I am happy to be going to a cool shower and later the kitchen to process, for freezing, a beautiful batch of chicken stock I made yesterday. Made note, to tackle this once a year job in winter next year!smileys/smile.gif Thanks for sharing your zen moment. I'm thankful, for so many things!

Not to push my faith, but at CBN (Christian Broadcasting Network) there are a seris of videos...

...that have the ability to make you thankful for your very next breath and heartbeat.

It's never a bad time to be reminded of the courage residing in the hearts of those around us. (Even if they are happy, peppy and bursting with Love...).


I find that every day I begin to slide into a pity-party almost immediately

I get reminded of things that my situation could be much worse. It's sort of eerie, actually.

You know what I find strange though, like Bill, and what a wonderful thing it is that he is okay, happy and healthy, is that there is this weird tendency that once you are injured you seem to attract further accidents.

When I had shoulder surgery, twice on the bus, a few months apart, a rider fell and grabbed onto my injured shoulder to save themself, and then gave me a separated shoulder each time. Never before and never since has anyone done this. After my ankle surgery, I was kicked in the surgery ankle twice by riders on the bus, like a full on soccer kick, not a nudge. It's never happened before. My friend had back fusion surgery and she was grabbed and manhandled last month by someone in the Federal building, causing her more injuries to her surgery site. I think she has to have more surgery. It's just so weird, don't you think?

Meanwhile I saw my doctor and although he likes what he sees with my ankle after the procedure it's too early yet to know if it worked, so still no walking for another 2 weeks. I'm getting around pretty well with my kneeling scooter but am afraid to take the bus (see above) so the taxis are getting expensive. It could be worse!!! LOL

It was a little one, 2 weeks ago, and I'm doing well!

The not being able to walk part is tedious though, and I really cannot use my oven safely so cooking is a challenge. Happily, my kitchen is tiny and I can do quite a lot, energy pending, and even clean the kitchen myself. I have a lot of produce to cook up tomorrow night and I am looking forward to that.

Any suggestions for making crispy baked zucchini sticks without an egg coating?
