all, infact, but life can throw curves at one sometimes....


Well-known member
really want to go to the UK for my DD graduation next in the last year we have to get visas for the UK..all of a sardine....but not in Barbados any more but in ...guess where...Jamaica!!!!!

I have done all the required fill in online and just need to make the appointment...

this means the date they give you have to fly in and then spend 3 days there as the flights are only every 3 days...

1st: one needs to know the dates one will be in the UK and then apply..not to early and not too late... then it takes up to a month to get said visa...

I can not go to Jamaica with the riots right now and this morning I spent 3 hours phoning from here to Timbukto...all British Embassies to see where I can go instead.

NO-ONE could help me at allllllllll!!! Urgh. and the embassy in Kingston was not opened today and will not open till it is safe

I guess I will not be going to my DD's grad after all......

AND on the 2nd score......I am going for another passport but may need an up to date birth certifcate from the country I was born in and so I have put out feelers to see how easily I can get the various certificates only to be told....

I have to return to this African country to get and ID before they will issue me with a birth cert etc..????

African countries have exhanged hands so often and the one I was born in also has but this last country it became is one I have never lived in...I dont want to return, very dangerous there and I dont want their ID...I just want copies of the papers which are rightfully mine...

OH MY......

My destiny appears to be.......stay confined on this lil' ole rock in the Caribbean...I'm getting VERY rock bound

Excuse my is so frustrating....

Wow, Joanie...that's crazy. What a situation.

I don't blame you for being cautious about all this. I'm sure there's a way to sort it out, but it will probably take more than a month.

You know......

'up to date' is how the immigration person said it.......OK, so her home language is not English...but still. However it is phrased it does not detract from the fact that I am supposed to return to said country...where I have never lived to get all these papers.....after I get an ID...I do not want or need an ID from that country.....I just want copies of my original birth papers to ahnd in to the new country I am hoping to get a passport for......
OH well....luck all of you who have not the slightest idea of these problems. Cant chose where one is born and I guess cant chose where one dies..........


of course.....but why would I need to get another? The original is still the real original........I give up.......3rd world to 3rd world......joys of living in 'paradise'.

Maybe because the original no longer is from and existing country...

an "up to date" birth certificate may have to show whatever the country is now called.


weeeel, I had all this done in '02 and the name/country hasnt changed since then......the whole thing is driving me demented....
I just want to be able to go to my DD's grad next month....

So sorry to hear of your bureaucratic nightmare...

Franz Kafka is smiling in his grave. It truly is amazing how fouled up bureaucrats can make things isn't it? It's entirely too much to expect anyone in goverment to use some common sense to solve problems these days.

My fantasy is the bureaucracies of all the stuffed shirt countries will continue to metastasize until they render each country completely and utterly incapable of any action because they will have worked themselves into a checkmate with their bureacratic regulations.

It is entirely possible.

Good luck.
