NTFRC: ARRRGH! How do I keep my dog from digging in the pots I just planted herbs


Well-known member
and tomatoes in? I understood when he was a puppy and gave up the idea of a patio garden until he was older. He is now 3 1/2 years old. Planted Sunday. He dug in one today.

They have dog deterrent granules at Home Depot or I've also

tried sprinkling the dirt with cayenne pepper. He's probably after the new dirt. Whenever I put new mulch on top or plant anything new my dog comes in with it all over his face. Yuck.

Good luck

Do you have Kong toys for your dog? Put a treat into them so he

is occupied getting the treat out, plus put other toys he likes outside. Put him on a leash, take him around to your pots and tell him "no" or "leave it" whichever he was trained during obedience training. Put him in the house or in the garage when you are away from the house. Just make sure he has food, water and toys to keep him occupied. Dogs are social animals and if they are alone too much, they get into trouble. Good luck!

I use ground black pepper....

to keep the kitties out, it might work for dogs too. Potting soil is so attractive to those puppers! Jasmine is pretty good about staying out of the plants, but she isn't able to reach the garden plants unattended. Your pet department at any department store should have dog deterrent too.
Now you've got me seeing Jasmine (sheltie cross) sitting up begging for broccoli.

He's never outside for more than a few minutes and he's usually busy harrassing my old

dog. I never leave him out when I'm not around. He's never alone unless he's snug in his beloved crate. ( He LOVES his crate.) I think he just likes the way the dirt smells. We've done the leave it thing & the Ack! thing too.

Thanks all. I'll have to try the dog deterrent stuff. The next thing in a couple of

months will be keeping the other dog from eating my tomatoes about the time they start getting ripe. I bargained with him last time and told him he could eat all the cherry tomatoes or pear tomatoes he wanted if he'd just leave my slicers alone but no deal.

Something we did for our labs back home and it WORKS......

cut short sharp sticks...no, not that sharp but make them about 6 to 8 inches long. Stick these into the ground closely so that only about 4 inches protrude (about 3 or 4 inches apart)all about the beds. Not only does it deter the dogs but also seems to be a case of 'companion' planting. My flower beds were just super doing this.
One dog we ahd liked to spend time carefully grabbing each stick and depositing them in a heap next to the kitchen door, which was fine as he did this carefully and did not dig. I jsut ahd to replace them a bit often.

The other thing to do is what I am HAVING to do now to keep the darn iguanas out....

cover the pot (in my case the beds) with wire frames. In your case the plants will grow through the wire...in my case I need to keep raising the cage to keep up with the growth.....B*()*^*&^$y iguanas!!!

and if the dog is not eating the plants but just digging, you can just cover the dirt with some wire

or screen or even some rocks so that he can't get to the soil. Oh my, is this what I have to look forward to this summer with my 10 month old pup?? If we ever get a summer this year--only 25 degrees today. brrrrr.
