OCD info: Here is the letter I'll be emailing to you to put in your box.


A group here at Lockheed collected items and cash (for postage) to mail 70 boxes of "small articles" for this group of soldiers. But we're the first ones to be allowed to send them a full box of home-made goodies for the holidays.


I still need a few more email addresses (and home addresses to send out this file:

Mimi's *email

Sandi in Hawaii's *email

margPA *regular address and *email

I haven't heard a confirmation of participation from:

Miain MD


clofthwld *regular address and *email.

There are still 10 boxes unassigned if anyone else wants to join in.


Tried to send you PM - put me down for 2 more....

dear SIL in Maryland just read my email and said she's gotten so used to doing care packages for her girls in college that she's an old pro and will contribute and besides the two you have me down for (one from me and one from coworker) put me down for one more - I can easily get two in if not more.

M. I tried to send you a PM with the info. Guess it didn't work>>>

I copied your regular addy but I don't have your e-mail.
Can you post it or send it to me?
